Create SMS that automatically pick phone book names and inserts in
your message
Type multiple sms recipients, select recipient or recipient group
from phonebook
Edit/delete messages from your draft folder Coming Soon !!!
SMS character counter for composing SMS
SMS scheduling for future delivery.
Removes duplicate/repeated numbers in recipient list.
Accepts multiple numbers and uploaded numbers with comma.
Automatic removal of invalid characters from numbers e.g
space,;,:,.,',`,(,),,{,},#,-,_ and ?
Displays member SMS units left
How It Works
HELP LINES: 234-7069608881; 234-8081151115
Log on to your account on if you have registered. If not, click “Register” and put in your details to get registered. You will get an activation link on your mail that you have registered. Click on it to get you registered.
When logged in, click on “Buy SMS” on the xyzmenu on the left.
Then type in the amount of SMS units you want.
Choose "BANK" payment method if you want to make bank deposit. The Account details is on the "Price List" page. Your ordered unit will be credit once payment is verified.
Choose "VoguePay" if you want to use MasterCard, Interswitch, ETranzact or VoguePay. Your units will be credited immediately payment is made.
NB: Please when making payments to any bank, use your username as name of depositor.
How To Send SMS
Log on to your account
Click on “Compose SMS” on the left hand side.
When the Compose page opens up, type your Sender ID. This is the name that you want people to see as the sender, instead of number.
Type the numbers you want to send the sms to. You can also upload it from a text file or excel file save in your system.
In the message field, type the message you want to send. Remember that 1page is equal to 160 words. But you can send more than one page.
The number you are typing can be in this format (234803xxxxxxx or just 0803xxxxxxx).
If you want the message to save a copy as draft, you type in the name on this field.
When through, just click “SEND” and wait for a confirmation message.